Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Managing Passwords

Like several other members in our Emerging Instructional Technologies class, I am feeling overwhelmed with user names and passwords for all the sites. See posts by Regine and Patricia that express similar frustations with keeping all this information straight and secure.

Patricia had an interesting article from Apple on password generation and management, but that didn't provide the kind of support I'm looking for.

I spent some time researching various products available for our desktop and laptop (both running Windows XP) and found that there are many products on the web available -- and like all things some appear to be better than others. Keith Brown has an interesting article for Windows users as to why you shouldn't rely on the Internet Explorer's password manager at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/07/SecurityBriefs/#S9

I still am looking for a way to make password management mobile. There must be some web-based business that offers a service that can provide portability, accessibility, and reliability without compromising security? If you find such, please leave a comment.

...still the digitial immigrant...Lois

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